Visitor center National Park Weerribben Wieden

Visitor center De Wieden in Sint Jansklooster is the ideal starting point for a day in the water-rich nature reserve De Wieden. Join us on a boat trip, take a nice bike ride or walk and visit the tea brewery. For children there are also fun activities in the Weerribben Wieden National Park. 

Special nature
Rare animals such as the otter and the black tern feel at home in the wet nature of De Wieden. You can see all kinds of birds from the observation sites in the area, such as the cormorant and egret. Plants with colorful flowers grow on the meadows, such as the dotter flower and rattle. The rare vibratory peat is unique to De Wieden.

Human Work
De Wieden is a cultural landscape. The landscape has been shaped by peat extraction; peat was dredged here from the fifteenth century. The first purchases of Natuurmonumenten in De Wieden were two duck decoys. From here the area expanded to around 6000 hectares of nature.

Boat trips
Weerribben-Wieden National Park consists of lakes and ditches, vast reed fields, meadows full of flowers and overgrown swamp forests. The best way to explore De Wieden is from the water. From April to October, boat trips depart almost daily from the visitor center.

Visitor center
In the visitor center you will find the store with, among other things, regional products, children's articles and nature books. In the conservatory you can look into the area from lovely hanging chairs. Or come and drink a cup of coffee or tea at our cozy reading table.

Walk in
The visitor center is on a picturesque street with historic peat workers' houses. If you want to know more about De Wieden, a suggestion to go on the road, book for one of the boat trips or rent a landing net for the children, then drop by. The employee at the desk is happy to help you on your way!

Boat trips
The excursion boats "Zwarte Stern" and "Cormorant" sail from April to October from De Wieden visitor center. The boat trip is led by an expert skipper / nature guide. Various destinations are possible, including the cormorant colony, duck decoy and the water village of Dwarsgracht. Tip: with regard to clothing, keep in mind that the boats are open (after all, it's about the nature experience).
Our excursion boat is also suitable for the disabled. However, this only applies to pushable wheelchairs. A guide is required to help on board. Unfortunately, people with an electric wheelchair cannot get on board.

Sailing on request
For groups, boat trips and excursions are also possible upon request. The costs for renting a boat are € 100 per hour. Read more about this on Wiedendag

Canoeing - routes of 9 or 10 km
Explore the Wieden from the water with the canoe routes from Natuurmonumenten

Birdwatching points can be found behind Visitor Center De Wieden, bird-watching huts north of Giethoorn, at the Beulakerpolder, at the Zuideindigerwijde and a watchtower at Wanneperveen.

Opening hours
De Wieden visitor center
Province of Overijssel
Beulakerpad 1,
8326 AH Sint Jansklooster
T (0527) 24 66 44

April 1 to November 1: Tuesd ay to Sunday from 10 am to 5 pm
1 June to 1 September: also open on Mondays from 12.00 - 17.00
November 1 to April 1: Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday from 12.00 - 16.00
vacations winter period: Tuesday to Sunday 12.00 - 16.00 (note: with the exception of Tuesday 25 December and 1 January)